1. 古典功底(赋格、对位法)和Jazz结合的惊喜2. 60年代黑人民权运动中领军人物之一:积极寻找黑人身份文化认同、勇于用艺术作品来反映时代某段时间只创作政治音乐损失关注 3. 不止是舞台上做Nina simone,而是24/7 “we will shape and mold this country, or it will not be molded and shaped at all anymore. How can you be an artist and not reflect the times?” “But She wasn’t at odds with the times. The times was at odds with her.”
其实我蛮喜欢的啦古罗马最荒淫皇帝喜欢她跟Danny在一起时的感觉哈哈~~~Danny的stripper确实不错哈有点点turn me on~~~有点剧透啊
康斯坦丁辣得我七窍生烟“Batty would go mental”谢谢我现在就要看康蝙绿threesome文学